Welcome to the month of Manuary! A Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month.
What is a Head & Neck Cancer? Head & Neck Cancer is a diverse group of cancers that can arise from anywhere above the collar bones and outside the brain.… Read more
Welcome to the month of Manuary! A Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month.
What is a Head & Neck Cancer? Head & Neck Cancer is a diverse group of cancers that can arise from anywhere above the collar bones and outside the brain.… Read more
Welcome to 2016! How’s your New Year’s Resolution going? It’s good to know that there is some science behind New Year’s Resolution. Apparently you are 10 times more likely to stick to a change made at the New Year (See here).… Read more
Does my hip look big with these?
Congratulations to all the new interns starting tomorrow in Australia. You’ve done all the hard work. Got through high school with flying colours, survived undergrad, selected into med school, made it through the med school exams, interviewed for jobs and tomorrow, your patients and the nurses will call you ‘Doctor’.… Read more
A few weeks ago, this cartoon strip appeared by @TheBadDr Ian Williams
There’s a certain helplessness in the physician. “There’s nothing much we can do about that.”
Well, actually, there are a few things we CAN do about that. Doctors can actually manage their social media presence effectively through some simple means.… Read more