Author: EricLevi drericlevi

Lost in the wonder of Ear, Nose and Throat, Head and Neck Surgery, Airway Architecture and the magic of family.

New Zealand ENT News

From my ENT colleagues and for my ENT colleagues across the Tasman as of 31st March 2020. THINGS CHANGE ALL THE TIME, RAPIDLY. THIS ADVICE MAY BE INVALID IN A FEW DAYS.

Note the risk management of Aerosol-Generating Procedures and preoperative assessment.… Read more

COVID19 and ENT Surgeons

ENT Surgeons and the COVID19 Pandemic

Updated 22nd March 2020

Key findings from literature as of today.

1. ENT surgeons are at higher risk and have higher rates of contracting the virus SARS-CoV2.

2. Thought to be due to high virus load in nose, nasopharynx and oropharynx, even in asymptomatic carriers hence we may be examining and operating on asymptomatic patients with high viral load.… Read more

Life in a Pandemic

IMG_8005Brace. Brace. Brace.

The next couple of weeks and months will be tough for all of us. There is no need for panic or hysteria but there is need to prepare. The flu pandemic in 1918 tore through the globe and killed somewhere between 20-50 million people.… Read more

Social Media in Surgery

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Some thoughts for Social Media Panel at the American Academy of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Meeting 2019, New Orleans.

Social Media is here to stay. The lines between traditional media, digital media and social media are blurred. Contents of traditional media are presented on social media platforms.… Read more

Saliva Surgery & Sialendoscopy

Saliva is good for your health. Saliva provides immune protection, chemical digestion and protects the teeth from dental caries. Too little saliva is debilitating. The mouth is too dry, tongue sticks on the roof of the mouth, taste is altered, speech and swallowing is difficult.… Read more