Otology involves mastery of sound physics, acoustic coupling, tympano-ossicular impedance and a lot of ‘vestibulology’ that is dizzying and still all fuzzy wuzzy to me. Rhinology requires understanding of the science of nasal aerodynamics, olfaction and immunology. The skills required to be a great sinonasal surgeon is different to that of the ear surgeon.… Read more
What is an Otolaryngologist? What does an ENT surgeon do? Part 1: Otology
It is no secret that I have found gold in ENT. It is by far the best medical specialty in all of Medicine and Surgery. A few people who do not know us well enough are curious at what we do.… Read more
Doctors, Money and Pride
Have a good read of this Medscape Report.
Its about Doctors and their paychecks. As usual, and same as last year’s results, the top-earning doctors are Radiologists, Orthopaedic Surgeons, Cardiologists, Anaesthetists and Urologists. That’s American data from almost 25,000 doctors, and the Australian data will probably be quite similar.… Read more
On the getting of wisdom
Every medical and surgical specialty is exploding with knowledge. There are so many wonderful things going on in the amazing world of ENT. The future for our patients is bright, that is, if we can translate and materialise what we have learned into our day to day practice as surgeons.… Read more
Boys and their toys. We just can’t help it. We love to play. And we love to score. Put a group of surgeons together around a million-dollar robotic surgery console, and we start competing and comparing skills and trying to get the highest score.… Read more
Otorhinolaryngological Christmas Carols
Merry Christmas! No doubt you have been singing a few carols this holiday season. What many do not realise is the fact that many of these carols are based on very sound ENT basic sciences and principles. The anatomy, pathology and the expertise around ENT surgery is well displayed and sung in these carols.… Read more
How should doctors celebrate Christmas?
How should an anaesthesiologist celebrate Christmas? Sit in a corner with a book and a glass of milky liquid, adjusting the table intermittently, passing gas at all times.
How should an orthopedist celebrate Christmas? Turkey. Fork. Hammer.
How should an emergency physician celebrate Christmas?… Read more
How a Surgeon should celebrate Christmas
Surgeons are normally not comfortable among crowds who talk back to them. Christmas, therefore, presents a challenging social dilemma to the discerning surgeon. On one hand he/she is awkward in social gatherings, on the other he/she knows that being the centre of attention is important for his/her ego.… Read more
8 Things 8 years of marriage has taught me
Last weekend was our 8th anniversary weekend. Lots of people did not believe that I’ve been married that long. I wonder if it’s because I looked young, or perhaps because people did not think that marriage could last my surgical training that long?… Read more
3 Things My 3-year-old Taught Me
This weekend my darling wife went away interstate for a training conference. Some Infectious Diseases clever doctorish stuff. Things we surgeons just do not understand, or even wanna try to understand. I always think, there are only 3 antibiotics in the world anyway, so why spend a beautiful weekend attending conferences on those 3 antibiotics?… Read more