31 Days to Better Doctoring

photo-1I know, I know. It takes more than 31 days to be a better doctor. And yes, I know, it’s a stupid challenge, you’re too busy and you’ve got better things to do. And yes, I know, doctoring is way more complex than doing stuff like these.

Look, I just wanna have fun. I’ve decided to set myself 31 simple acts I can do daily during the month of January 2013 so I can fine tune my heart and head towards becoming a better doctor in 2013. I thought I might share these 31 Simple Acts with you and ask you to join me in this campaign. It’s like a group of friends doing random secret acts of kindness for others. No fame, no glory, no money. Just ordinary doctors intentionally tweaking a minor part of their day and upping the ante on positivity wherever we are working.

All of you good doctors out there are already doing these. I’ve learned these simple acts from you. I’m going to try to put those habits in place so I too can be a better doctor like you.

So every morning (Sydney time, Australian Eastern Standard Time) in the month of January, I’ll be tweeting a little challenge. Something simple we can do at some stage during the day to move towards better doctoring. It’s not going to be “Find a cure for cancer” or “Do a PhD”. It will be simple little acts of doctoring.

Remember, I wrote this for myself. You don’t have to do any of these. But yes, it will be nice to have friends do these together with me. It will be great to hear your story too.