Category: Uncategorised

The ABCDE of Internship


Does my hip look big with these?

Congratulations to all the new interns starting tomorrow in Australia. You’ve done all the hard work. Got through high school with flying colours, survived undergrad, selected into med school, made it through the med school exams, interviewed for jobs and tomorrow, your patients and the nurses will call you ‘Doctor’.… Read more

The Dangers of Not Being on Social Media

A few weeks ago, this cartoon strip appeared by @TheBadDr Ian Williams

There’s a certain helplessness in the physician. “There’s nothing much we can do about that.”

Well, actually, there are a few things we CAN do about that. Doctors can actually manage their social media presence effectively through some simple means.… Read more

The Benefits of Social Media

cropped-photo-11.jpgSocial Media will no longer be a fad very soon. The Tipping Point has already been reached in many industries and mainstream media. The healthcare industry, as always, is a little slow on the uptake, but I do strongly belief that in the next few years we will see clinicians on social media as the norm and not the exception.… Read more

Biggest Challenge Facing Medicine


I’ve been asked previously what I think is the biggest challenge facing Medicine or Surgery in the future. Many Physicians and Futurists would suggest that personalized medicine, genetic therapy, cancer cure, public health, nanotechnology and many other things are going to form several of the biggest challenges ahead of us.… Read more

Mayo Clinic Social Media Residency

Mayo Clinic Social Media Residency

The Art of Surgery involves the skillful use of multiple diagnostic and treatment tools for the benefit of our patients. So when I started my surgical training, I had to attend several surgical courses where I learned to use different tools, equipment and techniques.… Read more

To blog, or not to blog?

Life moves on in such a frantic pace. Time is short. Priorities are frequently re-shuffled. There are times when thoughts are articulated in such a beautiful fashion like a brilliant degustation menu. There are other times, when thoughts are half-baked and merely leftovers from a long day at work.… Read more