Choose to live well

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This coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we live drastically. This coronavirus is forcing us to choose. To choose to confront ourselves in the stillness and quietness of our homes. When all the bells and whistles have been removed, when our conferences, meetings and speaking engagements have been stripped away from us, we are forced to face our own selves when no one is looking. We have been forced to be still. How are you?

We are all in difficult places. But even in our various forms of difficulties, we can choose to be positive despite the negativity. We can still choose authenticity rather than authoritarianism. We can choose collaboration and connection when we have very little control over what is occurring. We may not change our situations but we can choose to change the way we respond to these difficulties. We cannot control every single thing that happens around us, but we can collaborate and connect to get through all this together.

We’re all in this together. Choose to live well.