This is it. The last day of this 31 day challenge to better doctoring. If you have traveled with me this far, I sincerely thank you. I hope you have had as much fun as I had in going through these little daily challenges. Let me recall, that these exercises were written just for me, so I can push myself to be a better doctor. Not in terms of knowledge, but as a person, a colleague, a worker, a public servant. I hope you had enjoyed the thoughts behind these challenges as well.
This day is yours. Fill in the blanks. Choose your own little challenge to better doctoring today. You can pick from the last 30 challenges and repeat one of them, or you can come up with a good one on your own. Whatever it is, challenge yourself. Today, you can be a better doctor than yesterday.
Thanks again for traveling with me this far. To my dear friends on Twitter and blogosphere who had conversed with me along the way, a sincere thanks. It is really encouraging to see that there are many people out there wanting to make a difference wherever they are. I salute you for your hard work.