What is an Otolaryngologist? What does an ENT surgeon do? Part 2: Rhinology

Otology involves mastery of sound physics, acoustic coupling, tympano-ossicular impedance and a lot of ‘vestibulology’ that is dizzying and still all fuzzy wuzzy to me. Rhinology requires understanding of the science of nasal aerodynamics, olfaction and immunology. The skills required to be a great sinonasal surgeon is different to that of the ear surgeon.… Read more

Otorhinolaryngological Christmas Carols

Merry Christmas! No doubt you have been singing a few carols this holiday season. What many do not realise is the fact that many of these carols are based on very sound ENT basic sciences and principles. The anatomy, pathology and the expertise around ENT surgery is well displayed and sung in these carols.… Read more

How a Surgeon should celebrate Christmas

Surgeons are normally not comfortable among crowds who talk back to them. Christmas, therefore, presents a challenging social dilemma to the discerning surgeon. On one hand he/she is awkward in social gatherings, on the other he/she knows that being the centre of attention is important for his/her ego.… Read more

3 Things My 3-year-old Taught Me

This weekend my darling wife went away interstate for a training conference. Some Infectious Diseases clever doctorish stuff. Things we surgeons just do not understand, or even wanna try to understand. I always think, there are only 3 antibiotics in the world anyway, so why spend a beautiful weekend attending conferences on those 3 antibiotics?… Read more