Broken Doctors, Broken Systems

Broken Doctors, Broken Systems: Clinician Mental Health in Context.

Modified from a Plenary Talk at Combined Annual Scientific Congress of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. May 2018. @DrEricLevi

Broken Doctors Broken Systems.jpg large

How do you deliver the best care for your patient?… Read more

Living Well Working Well

RACS18Living Well Working Well Workshop

Collaborating for good mental health in our workplaces


Workshop presented at Combined Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and Australian & New Zealand College of Anesthetists Annual Scientific Congress #RACS18 #ASM18SYD on Monday 7th MAy 2018

Introduction, Greetings, Jokes, etc.Read more

Airway ENT Talk at DFTB17

A presentation I gave at Don’t Forget The Bubble 2017 Acute Paediatric Conference On Brisbane, Australia.

Watch this if:

1. You’ve ever wondered how I actually sound in real life (don’t laugh)

2. You’re interested in the paediatric #ENTsurgery #Airway smorgasboard

Watch the talk here.… Read more

Yet Another Doctor Suicide

I read this today. This breaks my heart. This is the second suicide death I learned in the last 3 months in this city. Neither were junior doctors. My heart breaks when I read these phrases: “stresses of his chosen career” & “he failed to seek the support”.… Read more

Teaching as a Habit


Part 1 of Teaching Trilogy

Doctor comes from the Latin word “Docero”, which means teacher. Being a doctor is being a teacher. Teaching is a significant part of what we do every day. Teaching patients how to live healthier lives. Teaching trainees how to be better clinicians.… Read more

Prof Graeme Clark & The Bionic Ear

It was an honour to interview the man who dedicated his life to pushing the boundaries of medical innovation. Prof Clark is the inventor of the cochlear implant, a medical marvel affectionately also known as the Bionic Ear. The idea that you could give hearing to the deaf is astounding.… Read more